Open House Wrap-up and Thank You!

by Frankie Lopez

Wow! What a week and a whirlwind! Thank you to everyone who came to our Open House! And for all of the kind words and congratulations.
It is always a delight to see so many of our members together and enjoying themselves. It would not be possible without our amazing volunteers who show up early, stay late, and wakeup with very sore feet the next day.
So from the bottom of my very sore feet… I mean heart, thank you!
This Open House was very special to me, not just because I was announced the new GBACG President, but because of this amazing community. I love sewing and I floundered for so long trying to hone my craft. When I stumbled into this oddball group of outstanding artists, I knew I had found a home. So many people have kindly guided me, sometimes tempering my youthful curiosity, and sometimes fanning the flame. I have asked questions on blogs from some of you – many of you who I think of as sewing celebrities – and freaked out when you responded to my questions. I have gone on 16 hour road trips to the L.A. Fashion district to get silk and linen with some of you. I have called some of you crying because my sewing machine ate my homework.
And you all showed up to save the day.
The knowledge that this group has in their fingertips is flooring. And the fact that so many of you are happy to share, to teach, to answer my frantic Facebook messages at 2:00am the night before the event… Simply astounding.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Catherine Scholar for everything she has done for the guild. The strength of this community today is a testament to all of her hard work and dedication. Catherine is a significant reason that I am even apart of GBACG, let alone the president. I cannot thank you enough for all your support, my friend.
If I could ask one favor of you, as your new president, take a newbie under your wing and show them what a wonderful and supporting group we can be. I am proud to be your President, and I hope to see you all many times at some of our wonderful events.
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