
A Message from Your President

First, thank you to everyone who attended GBACG’s first Virtual Open House in January and our first Virtual Costume Academy last weekend. While going virtual for events has quite a learning curve, we have been grateful for all the feedback, and seeing our members’ lovely faces. Getting to see everyone’s Quarantine Crafts and playing trivia together at the Open House […]


A Letter from Your President

Hello All, It is nearing the end of March, and we have experienced some unprecedented times to say the least. Two months ago, we had our wonderful open house, surrounded by so many friends. Within the last two months, COVID-19 has become a very real presence in all of our daily lives. I wish I could be writing to you […]


Open House Wrap-up and Thank You!

by Frankie Lopez Wow! What a week and a whirlwind! Thank you to everyone who came to our Open House! And for all of the kind words and congratulations. It is always a delight to see so many of our members together and enjoying themselves. It would not be possible without our amazing volunteers who show up early, stay late, and wakeup […]


Meet Your Board: Lauren Moyer, President

Why costuming?  What brought you here? I have been obsessed with historical costumes since I was little and had American Girl dolls and Tom Tierney paper dolls. I would draw them and make stories around the characters. That’s what got me interested in costuming. My mother also studied sewing and I’ve been sewing since I can remember. I didn’t know […]


Past Board Member: Catherine Scholar, Finery Editor

Why costuming?  What brought you here? I have loved historical fiction from childhood.  I remember reading the “Little House” books, the “Betsy-Tacy” series, “Anne of Green Gables”… and wanting those clothes so badly.  I grew up in the 70s with a super practical mother and there were a lot of flared pants, tunics and polyester in my wardrobe.  It just […]