Bylaws / Rules / Guidelines

Mission: The mission of the Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild shall be to encourage and facilitate the study, appreciation, and creation of costuming as an art form.

Objectives: The objectives of this organization shall be to facilitate:

  • To encourage and facilitate the study, appreciation, and creation of costuming as an art form.
  • Education and diversification within the costuming community by sponsoring workshops, seminars, costume clinics and sewing circles throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Community goodwill by providing a resource for costuming displays, lectures, seminars and research to schools, museums, historical societies, preservation associations and other public and private organizations.
  • A public forum for the discussion of costume, clothing and related subjects through publications, the Internet, and activities in the community.
  • The visual representation of costume art in the community through the sponsoring of costumed events.