Jane Austen

Let It Go To Your Head!

by Danine Cozzens Langdell. Published in the March/April 2015 issue of Finery. If you long to don your finest Regency evening wear and step out on the dance floor, put Saturday, May 30, 2015, on your calendar. Our Sister Organization, The Bay Area English Regency Society puts on only three balls each year. This one takes inspiration from an event […]


Beyond the Muslin Gown

by Virginia Solomon, First published for the September/October 2011 issue of Finery Too many times have I heard this statement, “I can’t wear Regency dress, I don’t have the body for it.” While it is true that many Regency illustrations depict willowy young things in clinging white gowns, there are many existing gowns in museum collections and illustrations, that depict […]


Film Review: Persuasion, Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park (PBS, 2007)

by Elizabeth Urbach, First published for the March/ April 2008 issue of Finery In Persuasion, the women’s costumes were mostly well done, although it seemed to me that they were almost always wearing the same thing. I would have appreciated more variety in accessories and outerwear, especially, although I did enjoy seeing Anne’s “invalid” sister wearing a dotted shortgown over […]


Regency Costumes from the BBC Television Productions

A review of some productions from the 1970s and 1980s by Sally Norton, First published for the May/June 2003 issue of Finery The British Broadcasting Corporation is known for high production values. Programs such as Elizabeth R, Poldark and Lillie accurately recreate a past time and place. The costumes are a major contribution to the overall feel of a historic […]