I made the coat out of some natural-colored twill, because I wanted more of a civilian look. It went together fairly well, but did not have placement markings on the sleeve pattern pieces, which the instructions tell you to use for setting the sleeves properly. After toying around with it I discovered that placing the sleeve seams halfway between the shoulder seam and side seams, on either side (sleeve curves facing front), seems to be the correct way to set the sleeve. The sleeves were a perfect fit, at least on the size 10. One problem with this coat, though, is that there are no size charts. I made the size 10 for my 8-year-old who has a 25″ chest and 22″ waist (which is an 8 in other patterns), hoping he’d grow into it, and it ended up fitting him pretty snugly. It’s kind of funny because the size 8 pants I made for him from the Period Impressions pattern ended up being huge on him. Sadly, there aren’t really any other options for boys’ coat patterns.
Amy Denison –
I made the coat out of some natural-colored twill, because I wanted more of a civilian look. It went together fairly well, but did not have placement markings on the sleeve pattern pieces, which the instructions tell you to use for setting the sleeves properly. After toying around with it I discovered that placing the sleeve seams halfway between the shoulder seam and side seams, on either side (sleeve curves facing front), seems to be the correct way to set the sleeve. The sleeves were a perfect fit, at least on the size 10. One problem with this coat, though, is that there are no size charts. I made the size 10 for my 8-year-old who has a 25″ chest and 22″ waist (which is an 8 in other patterns), hoping he’d grow into it, and it ended up fitting him pretty snugly. It’s kind of funny because the size 8 pants I made for him from the Period Impressions pattern ended up being huge on him. Sadly, there aren’t really any other options for boys’ coat patterns.