I just finished making this coat for my grandson who is almost 8 years old, I used the 8/9 size which worked well size wise. Next year if the sleeves get too short I plan to add a piece under the cuffs where it won’t be visible. I found the instructions clear and easy to follow. Sharon Ann Burnston gives options for fabric and decoration so it may be adapted for the sons of the gentry or for those of the lower sort.
Hazel Dickfoss –
I just finished making this coat for my grandson who is almost 8 years old, I used the 8/9 size which worked well size wise. Next year if the sleeves get too short I plan to add a piece under the cuffs where it won’t be visible. I found the instructions clear and easy to follow. Sharon Ann Burnston gives options for fabric and decoration so it may be adapted for the sons of the gentry or for those of the lower sort.