This was the very first corset I made and it was fairly easy. The busks took me some time to understand how to sew them in. It took about 9 hours in total to make it (not counting figuring out the busks). I would recommend making it in two sizes smaller than your measured size. Even if it’s too big, it’s easy to make it smaller. Just cut a few centimeters at the back on each side and sew it together again.
Susanne Erbida –
This was the very first corset I made and it was fairly easy. The busks took me some time to understand how to sew them in. It took about 9 hours in total to make it (not counting figuring out the busks). I would recommend making it in two sizes smaller than your measured size. Even if it’s too big, it’s easy to make it smaller. Just cut a few centimeters at the back on each side and sew it together again.