Former Board Member: Sara McKee

Why costuming? What brought you here?
Costuming brought together my love and knowledge of portrait miniatures and fashion history combined with the need to have a creative outlet. I also just really like to dress up.
Do you do anything else crafty or artistic?
I try to take ballet class when time allows.
What was the first costume you made? Is there a picture?
For my first historical outfit I did a 18th century zone front gown for the Hamilton Ball. I made stays, but roll, petti and gown. There are pics on my Instagram.
What’s on the sewing table now?
I’m finishing a “spooky francaise,” a black organza and tulle robe a la francaise and going next to a velvet redingote.
What was your first/most memorable costuming disaster/ learning moment?
Don’t use markers to color on polyester satin unless you’re positive they won’t bleed and stain your skin. When I made my Christine Daae/Star Princess outfit I thought I was being clever but ended up with a blue top half of my body after the gala at CoCo.
Costume you’re most proud of?
I worked really hard on my plaid 1830s and it turned out exactly as I imagined. I am truly proud of everything I finish though.
What’s your holy grail costuming project? The one you dream of doing?
It was to do Sarah from Labyrinth and I did it!
Tell us one (or two or three) things about you that others might not know.
I recently got a puppy named Gene.
I love my serger.
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