Meet Your Board: Natasha Borders, Events Coordinator

Why costuming? What brought you here?
I’ve begun sewing when I joined the SCA a long time ago while in business school in Central New York, needing to make outfits for me and my husband, and it has become a life-long hobby. I’ve always enjoyed dressing up, and the historical dress is just really cool! I’ve mostly made Rennaisance and Medieval clothes, with fantasy and sci-fi costumes thrown in since I also do cosplay, LARP, and generally everything that draws me.
What’s your costuming focus?
It’s mostly the inspiration from movies/books/video games and anything beautiful that draws the eye. I also do a lot of armor cosplay inspired by the Witcher/GoT.
Do you do anything else crafty or artistic?
I cross-stitch, embroider, dabble in leather work, write LARPs and occasional short story.
What’s your day job?
I’ve just got a new job as a Senior Marketing Analyst at Ubisoft.
What was the first costume you made? Is there a picture?
It was Theresa from the original Fable.
What’s on the sewing table now?
A halloween shirt for my husband.
What was your first/most memorable costuming disaster/ learning moment?
Not using zig-zag stitch on stretchy fabric. Never again.
Costume you’re most proud of?
Beauty and the Beast ensemble for me and my husband.
What’s your holy grail costuming project? The one you dream of doing?
Commander Sheppard outfit from Mass Effect. Needs a lot of 3D printed parts. And this one I already pulled off – Brienne of Tarth: See first photo
Tell us one (or two or three) things about you that others might not know.
I am very friendly but shy. I’m organized almost to a fault, and I am always up for an adventure. I’ve never met an animal I didn’t want to pet.
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