Past Board Member: Breanna Bayba, Workshop Coordinator

Why costuming? What brought you here?
I have loved dress up and fantasy most of my conscious life.
What’s your costuming focus?
Do you do anything else crafty or artistic?
Many things. I have considered myself an artist ever since I can remember.
What’s your day job?
Stitcher at the San Francisco Opera.
What was the first costume you made? Is there a picture?
It may have been simply a length of pink fabric I tied around my shoulders as a child. It was a perfect costume to me.
What’s on the sewing table now?
Another 1860’s corset.
What was your first/most memorable costuming disaster/ learning moment?
I’m sure I have many memorable learning moments and near-disasters every day. My job forces me to learn, constantly. I make mistakes every day, but I also learn so much from them.
Costume you’re most proud of?
My favorite costume piece is actually my pair of embroidered mourning bracelets. To me, these are my perfect blend of historical fashion culture and personal artistic expression.
What’s your holy grail costuming project? The one you dream of doing?
I don’t have one right now.
Costuming kryptonite?
Home sewing machines. I was gifted an industrial machine last year and now I’m spoiled and can’t go back.
Tell us one (or two or three) things others might not know about you.
I only recently learned to tie secure knots in my thread.
I can sew with both hands.
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