At Home with Josephine at Malmaison: An Early 19th Century Soiree

Event Review and Photos by Christopher Erickson
GBACG Board Member-at-Large
The most recent GBACG-hosted event was a salon in the theme of the Napoleonic era held at The Bellevue Club next to Lake Merritt in Oakland, California, on Sunday, October 20, 2019. The event was held in the Mural Lounge with a view of Lake Merritt Wildlife Sanctuary.

The Mural Lounge itself had a fireplace and paintings in the style that you would find in a French château, a crystal chandelier, gold gilt work details on the walls, large windows and elegant furniture that made it feel like the parlor of large estate house.

The event was catered with wait staff providing a number of finger food hors d’oeuvres, tea, water, champagne and deserts.

People came out in their best Napoleonic/Regency period outfits. There was a great variety of color and pattern detail that livened up the parlor.

Entertainment was provided in the form of James Langdell performing period music on the piano and Ilana Walder-Biesanz, Arie Singer and Michelle McDaniel performing selected pieces of opera.

The event was well attended and provided an opportunity for people to get the perfect photo with their Regency period attire.
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