This pattern runs ridiculously small. I made the short coat and made it two sizes larger than I needed (on principle, out of cheap fabric first) and it still didn’t close across my chest. I gave this baby away to someone much smaller than me. Also, the collar is attatched in a needlessly fussy and sloppy-looking manner. There is no facing and it comes out looking lumpy. It is also difficult to attatch all the way to the ends and doesn’t match up quite right. I will use another collar pattern next time I try this. Sleeves also came out much wider than shown in the illustration.
Teresa Csorba –
This pattern runs ridiculously small. I made the short coat and made it two sizes larger than I needed (on principle, out of cheap fabric first) and it still didn’t close across my chest. I gave this baby away to someone much smaller than me. Also, the collar is attatched in a needlessly fussy and sloppy-looking manner. There is no facing and it comes out looking lumpy. It is also difficult to attatch all the way to the ends and doesn’t match up quite right. I will use another collar pattern next time I try this. Sleeves also came out much wider than shown in the illustration.