
Deanna Troi Cosplay

By Sabrina L. Nelson Close friends know that while I enjoy “Star Wars,” and while I even made a General Leia Organa costume, I’m much more of a Trekker. “Star Trek” was my first love and remains a guiding light in my fantasies of the future. And when I was a pre-teen, I had my fangirl crushes: Captain Kirk for […]


50+ Years of “Doctor Who” Costuming

by Jean Martin and Christopher Erickson. Published in the June/July 2015 issue of Finery. “Doctor Who” is a classic, long-running British science fiction show that began in 1963 about a timetraveling alien who regenerates, has adventures, saves the universe and has an affection for the human race. “Doctor Who” has become even more popular since its re-launch in 2005, and […]


SciFi Costuming on a Budget

by Kathe Gust, First published for the July/August 2013 issue of Finery Thrift store science fiction costuming can work if you are open about the character you are willing to attempt. If you are planning to replicate something exactly, this is may not be the method for you. If you are willing to be the Ambassador from Planet X, a […]