
Let Them Wear Muslin!

by Feather Tippets-Rosica. Originally published in the May / June, 2009 issue of Finery The transition from the elaborate gowns of the eighteenth century, worn over rigidly boned stays and hooped petticoats, to the soft muslin gowns associated with the heroines of Jane Austen’s novels was not a sudden event sparked by the French Revolution.  Marie Antoinette started it well […]


Buckram 101

by Lynn McMasters, First published for the November/December 2005 issue of Finery Buckram is an open-weave fabric of cotton or linen that is sized with watersoluble glue. In use for hundreds of years, today it is used in bookbinding, drapery pleats, mask making and hat making. In mask and hat making buckram is used as the substructure and generally covered with fabric. In […]