Sun. Jan. 25   &  Sun. Feb. 29, 2004    LSI Classrooms, 2015 Center Street, Berkeley, CA

In the first session  Jwlhyfer de Winter  described how women's clothing acquired at thrift shops and garage sales can be turned into costume marvels. She  discussed what to look for when you go out to buy, and how to look at items with a different eye. A lively discussion gave everyone a new enthusiasm about thrift stores and charity shops.

Jwlhyfer presented an overview of the development of the jacket from the 18th c. through the 19th c. She explained how a common thrift store or contemporary jacket can be altered to create a 19th c. garment. We had ample information, including hand-outs and examples to help everyone find  exactly what kind of jacket (our "focus jacket") to look for in thrift shops. 

Trimming techniques and suggestions of trim materials were provided in hand-outs along with suggestions for closures. We used frogs closures for this project but, other period techniques such as buttons and hooks and eyes, were discussed.

This is the type of jacket we looked for in a thrift shop. We had examples for you to inspect in the first class session. The first class session was a lecture. Our instructor went over the Materials List in the first class. Everyone brought sewing materials to the second session for the hands-on workshop creating our new Regency Spencers.


From the Focus jacket to this charming Spenser in two Sundays! Note how the Frog closures create a focal accent while providing a practical, quick, easy (and historically accurate) method of closure. Did we forget to mention Frogs are also inexpensive to purchase? 

The following meeting was hands on; everyone brought a thrift store jacket and transformed it into a 19th century costume masterpiece. Jwlhyfer taught us our focus jacket can be transformed from its current modern shape into a Regency era Spencer. We worked on your new garment in class using many techniques, some involving little or no machine sewing.

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