The Gibson Girls
Article on Charles Dana Gibson

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Sunday, April 25, 2004 

Shinn House
1251 Peralta Blvd., Fremont, CA.

The docents were beautiful dressed in Edwardian tea gowns. One of the ladies brought her granddaughter who wore a charming  Edwardian dress. Our tour of Shinn House was fascinating. The abundance of furniture and decorative items sparked many lively conservations. Our picnic was set up in the shade of the huge Oak trees. The day way warm; the adults preferred to relax in the shade while the children played croquet on the lawn in front of the house. It was a very Edwardian afternoon with the laughter of the children interspersed with conversation, a game of checkers, viewing stereoscope cards and a few readings.

The Gibson Girls pose in front of Shinn House

Gibson Girls in the dining room at Shinn House: 
Liz Siracusa, Lynne Taylor Seavers and Mary Thomason.

Theresa Eacker adjusts her hat in the bedroom mirror in Shinn House

Vaugh is ready for all croquet challengers

Frannie Germeshausen and Steve Kacsmar

Two generations of Gibson Girls
Lisa and Meagan Carmody


Kendra van Cleave, Janet Canning,
 Dan Biewener and Mercurio Ekateran