Saturday, Dec. 11, 2004



This year we offered three GBACG gatherings at Dickens Fair at three different times for three different activities. We started off the day at the Cat & Bull Gaming Parlor at 11:30 in the morning. Steven Kacsmar and Joe Widunas were champs at darts.

Kendra van Cleave's photos from our day at Dickens Fair. Kendra got some lovely pics of the contestants in the costume competition.



The Dickens Fair Costume Competition on Dec. 11, 2004. There were even more entries than are shown in this photo (about twice as many as you see here) and the quality of the costumes was wonderful. We congratulate all the costumers on the beauty of their costumes and the style with which they were worn.

GBACG presented two costume awards at Dickens Fair. Kendra van Cleave (below left) wins the Best Workmanship Award for her bustle gown (aka Santa's Favorite Candy Cane). Claudine de Montigny (below right) wins the Rising Star award given for the Best Costume by a New Costumer. Claudine's gown is a lovely brown 1866 walking dress trimmed in black wool.




Shelly Monson presents a lecture on "The Revolution in Dress Reform". The lecture took place at 2pm in The Adventurer's Club. 


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