Tea with the Buccaneers at the Ritz Hotel
Saturday, November 20, 2004 at 1pm
The Terrace Lounge
The Ritz Carlton Hotel

600 Stockton at California
San Francisco
Costume era: 1870-1889

GBACG invited everyone to join Nan, Conchita, Virginia, Lizzy and Mabel for Tea at the Ritz. 

Edith Wharton's final novel is about five wealthy American women whose money is too 'new' to gain them entry into East Coast society. With the guidance of the shrewd and sophisticated Miss Testvalley, the girls travel to England where they seek husbands among the British aristocracy.   

In 1995 the BBC made an exquisite production of The Buccaneers.

Fashionable London had assimilated with surprising rapidity the lovely transatlantic invaders. Hostesses who only two years ago would have shuddered at the clink of tall glasses and the rattle of cards, now threw their doors open to poker-parties and offered intoxicating drinks to those to whom the new-fangled afternoon tea seemed too reminiscent of the school-room. A blast of outer air had freshened the stagnant atmosphere of Belgravian drawing rooms, and while some sections of London society still shuddered (or affected to shudder) at 'the Americans,' others, and the uppermost among them, openly applauded and imitated them.
   ---The Buccaneers, Book Three, Chapter XX by Edith Wharton


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