& Downs

A Workshop in Parasol Recovering

LSI Classrooms
2015 Center Street
Berkeley, CA

Two Sessions:
June 29 and 
July 20, 2003

Here Lynne shows off an elegant black parasol that would look oh so perfect with a Victorian Mourning gown.

Lynne brought several of her collection of re-covered parasols. Many of them she transformed from the same inexpensive parasol we all used to learn on in this great class.



Dianne Lanning, Jana Keeler, Trystan L. Bass and Frannie Germeshausen are ready to apply for Mary Poppins' job.


Lorraine Carson is close to finishing her new parasol. Lorraine selected a delicate white fabric to complement the frothy summer gowns of the Edwardian era (which just happens to be Lorraine's fav place to hang out).

I went to the Ups and Downs, parasol recovering class taught by Lynne Taylor-Seavers yesterday.  What fun!  Lynne knows her stuff and is an absolutely charming teacher.  I can't believe the amount of research she did on the subject.  The history and mysteries of parasols were revealed, I actually recovered a parasol in class, I'm full of ideas for new projects, and now much better understand what I am looking at on eBay or elsewhere.  Bravo!  You have a peach of a workshop coordinator. She's from the Sacramento Guild, of course.   

Cheers,  JoAnn Peterson

Here's another big thumbs-up for Ups and Downs! Lynne was an excellent instructor. I really enjoyed the whole workshop. IMO, parasol recovering is one of those skills that is pretty hard to figure out on your own; but, once someone experienced and patient showed me how to do it, everything made sense and wasn't difficult. I finished everything except the trim during the workshop. I had the time, but I haven't bought my trims yet. Lynne's research and examples were fabulous. I learned a lot about the subject. It was also fun to see the variety of parasols everyone created (from historical to hysterical!).

Trystan L. Bass




What a greate class! I thought I would get some basics and be on my own but, at the end of the class I had pretty much complicated the project. It was usable as is but, I want to fuss it up a bit. It is even lined! It was an incredibly informative class. Lynne was always there to help if needed. Thanks, Lynn. I now have a very richly embroidered eyelet parasol in a peach embroidered eyelet parasol in a peach with scalloped edges and a matching crepe chiffon lining. It will get some bead dangles around the edge and a rosette at the top. And if I ever find the right color tassel; that, as well. My lining bagged a a bit because it was hard to handle the crepe chiffon. One of Lynne's tips was misting with a little water. I did that last night and the lining tightened up a treat. Thanks, again Lynne. I can't wait to see some of these adorable parasols at upcoming events.

Dianne Lanning

Class instructor Lynne Seavers shows off the red silk parasol she created using the technique she taught in this popular class. Creative ruching finishes off this very sassy red silk covering (this is the perfect parasol for flirting --- all birds know bright colors attract attention).

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