Thirteen intrepid souls lugged their sewing machines and supplies to an very intensive all day workshop taught by the very experienced Deb Salisbury (right), creator of the of The Mantua Maker patterns. While most of us tackled the 18th Century Stays, some opted for the pocket panniers (side-hoops).

We read our pattern instructions carefully and started laying and cutting out our undergarment of choice. In just a few hours most of us had sewn together our stays and got help fitting. Jwlhyfer de Winter, our Workshop Co-coordinator, brought a very handy gadget to help with fitting: two strips of fabric back pieces with grommets set in. You safety pin each of the fabric strips to the back of your stays. You can then lace up your stays; it makes fitting more accurate. You can see one of the grommeted pieces safety pinned to the corset on the right.

We learned enough to take our stays home to finish. Lisa VandenBerghe actually finished her side hoops at the class. (Congratulations, Lisa!) We hope to see many of our attendees using their undergarments at our next 18th century event! 

The Well-Boned and Well-Stayed Ladies

Christina Bell, Catherine Berte, Paula J. Christ, Stephanie Glover, Cynthia Hussey, Jana Keeler, Andria Quinnell, Janice Sellers, Elizabeth Siracusa, Colleen Sudekum, Dorothy Truslow, Lisa VandenBerghe, and Katie Vardijan.

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