GBACG Goes to Heart of the Forest Renaissance Faire

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Huzzah! Our Ren Faire returns. The Patterson family (another Huzzah!) has created Heart of the Forest Renaissance Faire in Stafford Lake Park near Novato in Marin County.
This faire is a recreation of a market town during the golden age of Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare. Her Majesty's Ladies in Waiting have arrived ahead of the Royal party to make sure all preparations are in place for the royal visit.
GBACG attended opening day. Jana Keeler relaxes in a shady grove. This faire is intimate and very well laid out.
Shopping in the Marketplace, admiring the Queen's soldiers, hefting a tankard of ale, laughing and enjoying all the entertainment --- we had a wonderful day.
The good news is Heart of the Forest Ren Faire did very well and will return next year ... and we will all be back. Good news for costumers, most of the faire visitors were in period attire. Huzzah!
The Court show was our favorite: good music, good dancing, and handsome men displaying their wit and charm for the Queen's Ladies.

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