Autumn Carey-Adamme, Miss Art Deco 2003 is congratulated by Jessica Buick (left), Miss Art Deco 2002 and Alexandra Garner (right), Miss Art Deco 1989. Congratulations, Autumn from everyone in GBACG.

Jessica and Slim Buick were married at the Gatsby Picnic. Autumn and Alexandra and all the other Deco Belles were attendants. Congratulations to Jessica and Slim. Jessica, in her beautiful vintage gown and Slim in natty white suit, were the best dressed couple at the picnic (and the most romantic).

Eleanor Farrell,  Yvette Keller and Danine Cozzens all share the task of protecting Mark Bessey from the sun with their parasols. Lucky man.


The Gatsby Ideal: A Picnic, A Car, Spiffy Clothes and a Sunny Afternoon. Could life possibly get any better than this? Not a chance.


Sally Norton, Kij Greenwood and Diane  Limberis show off their summer frocks and hats.


Luncheon on Safari with a group of well-dressed globe trotters. 


The Spirit of Busby Berkeley lives when the Deco Belles perform. Somewhere, BB is raising his Martini glass in approval.

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