The Faery Grotto was a fun, easy event, & everyone commented how nice it was to
have somewhere relaxing to go in the middle of a busy convention. New Guild
member Christina Bell helped Janet & me out decorating the Costumer's Suite as
well as contributing many tasty tea foods. We decked the parlor with fairy
lights in white, purple, & blue, & swagged purple & green tulle around the
place, accented with ivy garlands & purple flowers. Food was plentiful in the
form of varied tea sandwiches, many cookies, petit fours, fruit, & veggies.
Fruity iced tea was served along with sodas & water.
About 15-20 people waltzed in & out over the course of a few hours (impressive
for a rare afternoon con party). Many of the attendees were GBACG members, &
there were also some guests from other ICG chapters, such as the Beyond Reality
Costumer's Guild in Oregon.
By delightful accident, we had all four seasons represented in fairydom. I was
Fall in my copper brocade & tulle outfit with fall-leaf-covered wings. Janet
was Spring with her Pre-Raphaelite brocade surcoat over a long muslin chemise &
with greenery in her red hair. Lynne was the Dark of Winter in her black velvet
corset, tulle skirt, & black flower trimmed tulle wings. And lovely lady whose
name I have lost was Summer with a gorgeous leather mask in the shape of a
large leaf which accented her flower-bedecked bodice in bright colors. Allison
Lonsdale's charming & simple Satyr outfit added to the scene. Her black cloven
hooves were cut from plastic binder covers & stapled to inexpensive black shoes
-- very clever! A Klingon fairy even peeked into our leafy bower. We surmised
that fairies had to be part of Klingon folklore because, after all, Shakespeare
wrote Midsummer Night's Dream in Klingon originally.
--- Trystan L. Bass, Event Organizer
Janet Canning evokes Spenser's Faerie Queen in a surcoate of bronze and green.
Summer Fairy, Klingon Fairy, Lynne Thurmond as a
Dark Sprite,
Janet Canning as a Pre-Raphaelite Nymph, Trystan L. Bass as a Fall Fairy
Lynn Thurmond, the Dark Sprite
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