Theresa Eacker, Lorraine Carson, Mike Smithwick
and Brad Eacker
meet in the hotel lobby and exchange greetings before sitting down to Tea.
The venerable Palace Hotel  contains a grand, marble lobby with potted palms, graceful chairs and mementos of the hotel's history on display in glass cases. Miss Stephanie Schwartz poses in the main hall.

The Palace Hotelopened on October 2, 1875. The Garden Court was the carriage entrance to this grand hotel. In 1906, following the earthquake, the Palace closed for  restoration. Three years later, the carriage entrance was transformed and The Garden Court was unveiled.

Frannie Germeshausen
and Joyce Packer in
The Garden Court.



Sheri Jurnecka and Douglas Williams pose as a Victorian couple.

Mike Smithwick invites Miss Lorraine Carson to take a short walk after Tea. Such a very Victorian invitation; naturally, Miss Carson would never dream of turning down such a graceful request. Joseph Widunas seems a bit wary of this very exuberant hat worn by The Lady Eve. Those feathers could be dangerous on a crowded street but, no mishaps occurred as we strolled the few blocks from The Palace Hotel to the Museum of Modern Art.
Renate Elster dressed in elegant black velvet evokes the quiet mood of Lewis Carroll's portraits.

Dreaming in Pictures: 
The Photography of Lewis Carroll 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
August 3 - November 10, 2002

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