Costumer's Care 2
Making Comfort Caps for Chemotherapy Patients

June 22, 2002         Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores


It takes a lot of work to produce the Comfort Hats. Once again, Kij Greenwood organized this event. Building on last year's success, Kij quickly divided the room into tables: The Sorting Table, the Cutting Table, the Stichers' Table,  the Embellishers' Table, the Packing Table (and the Ironing Corner).



The Gents run the Ironing Corner: GBACG President Tony Lunn and Greg Greenwood know how to handle their irons and their pressing hams (take a closer look).



Rachael Wahlberg and Cassandra Yim model completed hats. Rachael and Cassandra were part of the Embellishers' Table where they created fancies in lace, buttons, trims and more whimsical embellishments.

All of us at GBACG wish to extend our appreciation to Oracle Corporation for allowing us to use one of their conference rooms for our workday. Oracle provided morning coffee and tea and a delicious lunch. In this well-lit workroom, and well-fortified with a good lunch, we reached our goal and exceeded last year's hat production.

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