GBACG Goes to the Movies

Shadow of the Vampire

Sunday, February 18, 2001

The California Theatre, Berkeley, CA


An elegantly black-clad group gathered outside the The California Theatre on a chilly February afternoon. Several of the gentleman  were dashing visions as their dark capes swirled round them in the crisp breeze. 

Theresa Eacker, Brad Eacker, Kathleen Morris, Loretta Forte, Cathleen Myers and Toni Ellis in the upstairs Deco-inspired lobby.

Toni Ellis and Loretta Forte dressed as glamours femme fatales. Many of the ladies opted for the fashions of twenties: vintage, reproduction, and modern inspirations from that dazzling era. And, there were, of course, the mysterious ladies in head-to-toe black with dark, dark red lipstick (I don't really know whether the colour came from a tube or .... something else .... one doesn't like to be too curious on such occasions).

James and Cathleen Myers planned a late night snack after the film. We took over the upstairs area at a nearby restaurant and talked long into the night about film, art, music, theatre, history, and lots, lots more.


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