The First Annual General Meeting

January 27, 2001
Hillview Community Center, Los Altos

We did it. We held our first general meeting and it was a success. Even the weather cooperated and, after a week of rain, gave us a lovely day with a clear sky and crisp air. (The thought of trying to get all those costumes for the fashion show out of cars and into the hall in pouring rain was giving a few people the vapors.)

Monique Motil wearing an 1892 tea gown made from Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion. Below, Janet Canning and Vaughn in ensembles made from the Simplicity Holiday pattern.

Forty-one costumes were presented in the Great Pattern Review Fashion Show. The exhibit of Costumers for Hire included garments from Aliana (Custom Creations), Christine James, Cherie Moore (Winter Moon), Monique Motil, Denise Pieracci, and ReVamp. Free handouts from past workshops were available as well as information on upcoming workshops and a chance to meet workshop instructors.

The special guest speaker for the afternoon was Jeffrey La Londe. His topic was The Evolution of the Shirt, 1500 to the Present. Mr. Londe used a gentleman from the audience (who just happened to be wearing a modern dress shirt) as an impromtu model, showing us how cutting and construction changed over the centuries. At the conclusion of the talk Mr. La Londe opened the floor to questions and graciously answered many queries about cutting, measuring, and fitting men's shirts.


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