The Mummy Returns

On Saturday evening, June 10, 2000, the Mummy did indeed return to the land of the living. 

Guests at the Oakland home of Lady J (Sheri Jurnecka) and Doug Williams were lulled into complacency by a delicious feast of Moroccan food, piano music of the 1920s and 30s and a soft summer evening in a torchlit garden. 

Leah Slyder-Vass and Gyorgy Vass in elegant evening attire enjoy the garden. The loveliness of the evening gave no hint of the dangers that lay ahead for the guests at this elegant Deco era cocktail party.

Handsome bartenders Joe and Charlie kept the librations flowing. Joe's Martini's were swell but Charlie's Cosmopolitans were a hit with the ladies. 

It's not surprising that this bar was the busiest spot that evening. The year might be 1925 but we weren't raided. Lady J is Oakland's hostess with the mostest; no one would dare do anything so outré as order a raid at one of her soirees.

The joint was jumpin'. Sara Klotz de Aquilar played the latest tunes. A few frivolous dolls were dancing next to (but not on) the piano. 

But danger was nigh. No sooner did renown archeologist Dr. Douglas Williams approach the Mummy, when a horrid vision burst through the French doors. The Mummy Returned!  

Screams of fright filled the night. Only the quick thinking of Dr. Williams saved the day (and the world). He led the entire group in the bending down on one knee and raising arms in the traditional position of honour to the Mummy.

The High Priestess Mertsekert (Monique Motil) was close at hand to offer prayers for the Mummy (Doug Good) and, in a more practical vein, make sure her assistant (Margo Griffith) was ready with a plate of food and a bottle of beer for the hungry Mummy.

The Mummy found a comfy corner and was happy with his food and beer. 

The unwrapping continued, as did the party. Dr. Williams gave a fascinating talk on his dig to an enthralled audience. The ladies were particularly interested in the jewelry found inside the Mummy.

Deco beauties Anita Klein and Gogi Overhoff enjoy the party. Gogi (right) is wearing a vintage gown c. 1924. Anita (left) made her dress from Past Patterns 1926 Slip-On Evening Dress.

Special Thanks

An event like this can only happen if some generous and talented people come together.

 First on the list is Mummy Builder Extraordinaire and High Priestess Monique Motil; along with her beautiful assistant Margo Griffith and, of course, The Mummy (Doug Good).

Dr. Douglas Williams (he really is a PhD. but, not an archeologist!) captured the knowledge and persona of archeologists in the 1920s and 30s.

The piano music of talented Sara Klotz de Aquilar must be heard by all fans of this music. She is wonderful.

Food guru Karen Tully provided everyone with a delicious feast.

We've already mentioned those handsome bartenders. Thanks to Joe Widunas and Charlie Poe.

And finally, our hostess Lady J (Sheri Jurnecka), welcomed us into her beautiful home. Sheri is a serious collector of beautiful things. Many of which, happily for us, are on display. Her home was the perfect visual feast for a glamorous party.

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