The Sheriff of Nottingham's Archery
Tournament and Picnic
23 October, 1999
The Archery Range, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
Porter takes aim in the archery competition. Her skill is studied by fellow
competitors. Sandra Fontes (to Julie's right) was the top lady archer of the
Maidens Frannie
Germeshausen and Sally Norton. Frannie and Sally used
the Costume Connection 11th Century Woman pattern to sew their gowns: an under-dress and tunic combination. Sally
also made the coif included in the pattern package.
Widunas and Elaine Dunn watch champion archer Carl Otis take aim.
Experience does count; Carl was the winner of The Sheriff of
Nottingham's Archery Tournament. Jim Wolford from St. Sebastian's
Guild is the archer behind Carl Otis.
GBACG wishes to extend special thanks to the fine archers from St. Sebastian's Renaissance Guild: Jim Wolford, Dana Chick, and Michael Lamp. They organized our archery competition, gave instruction, and finished off with a thrilling display of long-bow shooting. Our best wishes go with them for success in their upcoming competitions and we certainly hope for the pleasure of their company again.
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