An Edwardian Garden Party
Historic Dunsmuir House and Gardens, Oakland, CA
23 May 1999

On a beautiful Spring afternoon, GBACG participated in the Dunsmuir House centennial celebration, "The Way We Were". The Dunsmuir staff set up tables with umbrellas and chairs for us near the house. We were a comfortable, gracious party with ample pleasures in food, conversation, tours of Dunsmuir House, badminton, carriage rides, a display of vintage cars, and walks in the extensive gardens.


Shawn and Meagan Carmody and David Solomon go over croquet strategy. Dunsmuir House was a perfect setting for our elegant Edwardian attire. The Dunsmuir House volunteers were all appropriately dressed as Edwardian domestic servants. As members of our party walked through the house and gardens, it was easy to image we were stealing a glimpse into the past. Even our badminton set was vintage (Lorraine Caron's latest score on eBay!). Lorraine in a natty walking suit is ready to take the wheel of one of those new horseless carriages. Lori Knowles leaps to win her badminton game.  


Mr. Paul Koska and Miss Yvette Keller enjoy the Spring afternoon in the Gazebo.

A perfect afternoon is made ever better when one is wearing a perfect hat and sharing the perfect picnic with good friends. The sunny afternoon came to an end all to soon. We packed our picnic baskets, walked back to our cars, and into the late 20th century. It was wonderful to be part of such a lovely afternoon. Dunsmuir House is certainly one of the historical gems of the San Francisco Bay Area.

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