A Shakespearean Feast
The Pelican Inn, Muir Beach, CA
November 9, 1996

"We are such stuff as dreams are made of"
~~The Tempest  by William Shakespeare

Ay, truly, we were the stuff of dreams. In a traditional Tudor setting, The Pelican Inn at Muir Beach, we sat down to dinner with a most absorbing and beautiful gathering: Titania and Tybalt, courtiers and common men, Beatrice and Buckingham.

The Pelican Inn served a sumptuous autumnal feast of Roast Duck, Prime Rib, salad, vegetables and dessert.

Kevin Roche sang the song "What is a Youth" (lyrics by Eugene Walter, music by Nino Rota) from Franco Zeffirelli's stunning film version of Romeo and Juliet (1968).

Bill Branca as King Henry the Fifth gave a stirring reading of Henry's Saint Crispin's day speech:

"We few, we happy, we band of brothers"
~~The Life of King Henry the Fifth  by William Shakespeare

Above left Bill Branca and Sue Toorans. Below Benjamin Lamb and Jana Keeler.

"A noble temper dost thou show in this,
And great affections wrestling in thy bosom
Doth make an earthquake fo nobility.
O, what a noble combat hast thou fought
Between compulsion and a brave respect!
Let me wipe off this honorable dew,
That silvery doth progress on thy cheeks.
My heart hath melted at a lady's tears,
Being an ordinary inundation,
But this effusion of such manly drops,
This shower, blown up by tempest of thy soul,
Startles mine eyes, and makes me more amazed
Than had I seen the vaulty top of heaven
Digured quite o'er with burning meterors."

~~The Life and Death of King John, William Shakespeare


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