During the Victorian era it became fashionable in both England and America to take The Grand Tour. Visitors toured the famous European cities and sites of antiquity. It was considered educational as well as enjoyable. Victorians traveled to Italy in large numbers, some staying on to form small 'English communities'. Americans, for the most part, remained tourists throughout the 19th century; not taking up residence abroad in significant numbers until after WWI. Visitors to Italy toured churches, attended concerts, ate new foods, tried Italian wines, explored the cities and countryside. At our Picnic in an Italian Garden, we recreated this mood of exploration, relaxation, curiosity and pleasure. We imagined ourselves as Victorian travelers, delighting in a Spring afternoon in the Italian countryside.
Mary Genevin, an American lady abroad, sets out to explore an
Italian garden.
With her fellow visitors, she shared a picnic lunch, tried the
local wines,
sought out the perfect view, and compared travel itineraries.
Philip Rayment serenades Sally Norton with an Italian song.
They found the a shady spot at the top of the restored stone fountain.
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