She saw a glittering portal open, that led to a little garden, where all was brightness and dance music. Colored lamps surrounded little lakes, in which were water-plants of colored metal, from whose flowers jets of water spurted up. Beautiful weeping willows, real products of spring, hung their fresh branches over these lakes like a fresh, green, transparent, and yet screening veil. In the bushes burnt an open fire, throwing a red twilight over the quiet huts of branches, into which the sounds of music penetrated --- an ear tickling, intoxicating music, that sent the blood coursing through the veins. Beautiful girls in festive attire, with pleasant smiles on their lips, and the light spirit of youth in their hearts flitted to and fro in the wild dance.

~~~The Dryad by Hans Christian Andersen (1868) 

She went into a small chapel in the upper city and fervently prayed to God, but she found no comfort in her prayers, so finally in despair she called upon the Devil to come and help her. He appeared immediately, saying that he would help her, if she could remain awake in the chapel for three days and three nights.

She brought her little dog into the chapel with her and spent the time ceaselessly praying. However, during the third night, just as morning was breaking, sleep almost overcame her. At that moment the Devil approached, and her little dog, seeing him, pulled at her skirt so vigorously that she jumped up. The Devil furiously threw the little dog against church wall, and disappeared. 

~~~Emperor Heinrich in Sudemer Mountain by A. Kuhn and W. Schwartz (1848)

John Carey,  Denisen Fraser and Jay Hartlove

Turning around, he saw a beautiful woman rising slowly out of the water. Her long hair, which she was holding above her shoulders with her soft hands, flowed down on both sides, and covered her white body. He saw very well that she was the nixie of the pond, and he was so frightened that he did not know whether to run away or stay where he was. But the nixie, speaking with a soft voice, called him by name and asked him why he was so sad. 

One morning he got up before daybreak and went outside, thinking that the fresh air would lighten his heart. As he was walking across the mill dam, the first sunbeam was just appearing, and he heard something rippling in the pond. At first the miller was speechless, but when he heard her speak so kindly, he took heart and told her how he had lived with good fortune and wealth, but that now he was so poor that he did not know what to do.

"Be at ease," answered the nixie. "I will make you richer and happier than you have ever been before." 

~~~The Nixie in the Pond by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (1843)

Animal X

The verdant Leaves bud out when you appear,
And all the Trees their brightest Liverys wear;
The Flow'rs spring forth by your indulgent Heat,
And am'rous Birds their little Songs repeat:
In this blest Place, distant from Care and Crowns,
All Nature smiles, and you her Goddess owns.

~~~The Yellow Dwarf by Madame d'Aulnoy (c. 1680)


Kathleen Crowley and Glenn Cotter

Not far from Hertha Castle there is a deep, black lake, surrounded by woods and hills. The goddess bathed there several times each year. She rode there in a carriage covered with a mysterious veil and drawn by two cows. Only her consecrated priest was allowed to accompany her. Slaves were also brought along to lead the draft animals, but they were drowned in the lake immediately upon completing their task, because any unconsecrated person who caught sight of the goddess would have to die. For this reason nothing more is known about the worship of this goddess. 

Especially when the moon is shining brightly, a beautiful woman is often seen emerging from the woods adjacent to Hertha Castle. She proceeds to the lake, where she bathes herself. She is surrounded by many female servants, who accompany her into the water. Then they all disappear, but they can be heard splashing about.

~~~Hertha Lake by J. D. H. Temme, translated by D. L. Ashliman (1840)

Monique and Mark Motil

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