A Literary Tea |
August 20, 1995 The cast of characters at our second Literary Tea included authors (dead, alive and present) and both real and fictional characters. The costumes stretched from the 12th century to the present day. Lisa's Tea Treasures in Menlo Park is furnished in an intimate Edwardian decor. The feeling is very much of being in a parlor in a private home. It was exactly right for a gathering of literati; all of whom had (not surprisingly) something to say.
Thomas Dowrie as Sir William Wallace reads from Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter. |
Jan Price (seated) as author Anne Rice and Trystan L. Bass as her literary creation Mary Beth Mayfair (The Witching Hour).
Below the list of the authors and characters in attendance shows you just what far-reaching views of society, our world, and other worlds were expressed. |
Betsey Brazy as The Narrator read from How to Make An American Quilt by Whitney Otto. Patricia Cannata as Edith Wharton read from Woman of Her Time by L. Auchencloss. Betty de Losada as M.F.K. Fisher read from The Art of Eating by M.F.K. Fisher. Eleanor Farrell as a Medieval Muse read from The Enchanted Glade by George Starbuck. Marion Gibbons as Cecelia de Bergama read from In A Mirror, Darkly by Karin Welss and Marian Gibbons. Brian Gustafson as Jack Keroac read from On the Road by Jack Keroac. Michele Gustafson as Beryl Markham read from West With the Night by Beryl Markham. Christine James as Irene Adler read from A Scandal in Bohemia by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Jana Keeler as the Sorceress Isis read from A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony. Sally Norton as Zelda Fitzgerald read from A Freeze Out by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Ann Nore as Paddy Clarke read from Paddy Clark Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle. Pat Regoon as Salmon Rushdie read from Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie. Karin Welss as Vivian Candell read from In A Mirror, Darkly by Karin Welss and Marian Gibbons. Joseph Widunas as F. Scott Fitzgerald read from A Freeze Out by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Non-readers: Cher Fillman, Floence Hitchcock and Judith Lynch |
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