A Walking Tour of 7 Historic Homes in the Presidio Heights Neighborhood of San Francisco
with a Costume Display by the Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild
Saturday, September 30th, 1995


Cotton day dress c. 1830-1840 made by Janet Canning and Sally Norton. The lace Bertha is a vintage piece.

Afternoon frock c. 1918 made by Sue Toorans. The original gown was desigined by the famous artist/designer Erte.


Sapphire blue reception gown c. 1880 made by Lia Anderson and Christine James.

The San Francisco Historical Society invited GBACG to participate in the annual historic house tour held each fall. This year each of the 7 historic homes was in the Presidio Heights neighood of San Francisco. We installed one garment, displayed on a dress form, in each home. A stand was placed near each gown and held a description of the garment. Other garments on display: Green ballgown c.1855 made by Jana Keeler, Mourning gown for daywear c. 1860 made by Jana Keeler, Blue-grey walking suit c. 1895 made by Sally Norton, and an Edwardian tea gown in dark purple made by Sheri Jurnecka.


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