Fairy Tale Fashion Show

February 1, 1992 

Barbary Coast Rm., Student Union Bldg, San Francisco St. Univ. Back to Past Events
Allegory designed, made and modeled by Adrian Butterfield and Victoria Riddenour.

The Court Robes of Kesse designed by Jennifer Tifft; made and modeled by Kevin Roche.

The Dragon Court designed by Richard Payatt, made by Cynthia Gino and Richard Payatt; modeled by Richard Payatt.

Dusty Rose designed by Jwlhyfer de Winter and modeled by Michelle Brooks.

Edward Scissorhands from the Tim Burton film, made by Autumn Adamme and Mark Satrakian; modeled by Leland Susser.

Elentari, Queen of the Stars designed by Alys Hay; made and modeled by Eleanor Farrell.

Elric of Meinlnibone designed by Victoria Riddenour, made by Adrian Butterfield and Victoria Riddenour; modeled by Jaime Nikkel.

The Emperor's New Clothes designed and made by Carolyn Katya Barrows; modeled by Robert Degadillo and Carolyn Katya Barrows.

Lily of the Valley designed and made by T'Hud Weber and Jwlhyfer de Winter; modeled by T'Hud Weber.

Little Bo Peep designed and made by Kathleen Crowley; modeled by Traci Priest.

Medieval Fairy Tale Princess designed and made by Kathleen Crowley; modeled by Shelley Gottschammer.

The Mystery Man designed, made and modeled by John Baker.

Rapunzel from the Lennox China statuette, made and modeled by Aimee Hartlove.

Two Petal Coats designed by Shelly Gottschammer, made by Shelly Gottschammer with painting by David Dawson; modeled by Nan Willis and Traci Priest.

Two Pre-Rafaelite Nymphs designed and made by Jwlhyfer de Winter; modeled by Leslie Spring-Cornelius and Jennifer Holmes.

Two Rococco Fairies designed and made by Cherie Moore; modeled by Cherie Moore and Christine James.

The Weather-Colored Dress designed, made and modeled by Jennifer Tifft.

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